The camera eats first

Juggling limes and press timelines

“Do you just eat out at restaurants all the time? You look like you’re having so much fun.”

Why, thank you. I’m glad my posts depict a fun, carefree, aspirational lifestyle. I do eat out all the time and I do have a lot of fun. But it also looks amazing because I’m good at my job.

We’re in the business of elevating hospitality brands. Our main goal is to translate the experience of staying and eating somewhere to readers and viewers at home.

A typical DM about my job

We don’t just do that by eating in a restaurant and snapping some lovely photos, although we (obviously) excel at this, too.

Behind the scenes, we juggle marketing budgets, manage PR timelines, write killer press releases, organise launch events and facilitate press and influencer trips - all before picking up a knife and fork!

We strategise, we consider and ultimately, we care. We care about how a brand is represented and we care about getting that brand in front of the right audience.

There isn’t a grotty underbelly to what I do, but showing me pouring over engagement reports or coming up with a paid social strategy probably isn’t as widely appealing as showing me devouring a fantastic meal in a beautiful place.

The latter will likely make you feel more because that’s what my job is.

Making people feel things.

Grace Mills

Senior Account Manager, KUCO


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